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StyleData["Subsection", "Presentation"], CellFrame -> {{8, 0}, {0, 1}}, CellDingbat -> None, ShowGroupOpener -> True, WholeCellGroupOpener -> False, GroupOpenerInsideFrame -> False, CellMargins -> {{60, Inherited}, {12, 20}}, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 24, FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain"], Cell[ StyleData["Subsection", "SlideShow"], CellFrame -> {{8, 0}, {0, 1}}, CellDingbat -> None, ShowGroupOpener -> True, WholeCellGroupOpener -> False, GroupOpenerInsideFrame -> False, CellMargins -> {{60, Inherited}, {12, 20}}, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 24, FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain"]}, Closed]]}, Open]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ "Item", "Section", CellChangeTimes -> {{3.505391282164816*^9, 3.505391286358136*^9}}], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ StyleData["Item"], CellMargins -> {{75, 10}, {6, 6}}, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 24, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain"], Cell[ StyleData["Item", "Presentation"], CellMargins -> {{75, 10}, {6, 6}}, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 24, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain"], Cell[ StyleData["Item", "SlideShow"], CellMargins -> {{75, 10}, {6, 6}}, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 24, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain"]}, Closed]]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ "Text", "Section", CellChangeTimes -> {{3.505391349396614*^9, 3.505391352339068*^9}}], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ StyleData["Text"], CellMargins -> {{60, 10}, {7, 7}}, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 24, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain"], Cell[ StyleData["Text", "Presentation"], CellMargins -> {{60, 10}, {7, 7}}, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 24, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain"], Cell[ StyleData["Text", "SlideShow"], CellMargins -> {{60, 10}, {7, 7}}, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 24, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain"]}, Closed]]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ "Other", "Section", CellChangeTimes -> {{3.505391680407626*^9, 3.505391682759658*^9}}], Cell[ StyleData["Subsubsection"], CellFrame -> {{0, 0}, {0, 2}}, CellDingbat -> None, ShowGroupOpener -> True, GroupOpenerInsideFrame -> False, CellMargins -> {{75, 10}, {8, 8}}, GroupOpenerColor -> GrayLevel[0], CellFrameMargins -> {{8, 8}, {8, 8}}, CellFrameColor -> GrayLevel[0.8], FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 24, FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain"], Cell[ StyleData["Date"], CellMargins -> {{64, Inherited}, {20, 20}}, MenuSortingValue -> 10000, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 24, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain", FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.4]], Cell[ StyleData["Input"], CellFrame -> {{2, 2}, {0, 2}}, CellMargins -> {{66, 10}, {0, 14}}, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[0, 0, 0.501961], FontFamily -> "Times", FontSize -> 18, FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain", Background -> RGBColor[0.825849, 0.904875, 1]], Cell[ StyleData["Output"], CellFrame -> {{2, 2}, {2, 0}}, CellMargins -> {{66, 10}, {4, 0}}, CellBracketOptions -> {"Margins" -> {0, 2}}, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[0, 0, 0.501961], FontFamily -> "Times", FontSize -> 18, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain", Background -> RGBColor[1, 1, 1]]}, Open]]}, Open]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ "Custom styles", "Title", CellChangeTimes -> {{3.505390547288501*^9, 3.505390558581594*^9}}], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ "TextBox", "Section", CellChangeTimes -> {{3.505390571064466*^9, 3.505390573149116*^9}}], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ StyleData["TextBox"], CellFrame -> {{3, 3}, {3, 3}}, CellMargins -> {{80, 20}, {7, 7}}, CellFrameMargins -> 12, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], CellChangeTimes -> {3.500629535632266*^9, 3.505390312017168*^9}, MenuSortingValue -> 10000, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 24, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain", FontVariations -> {"Shadow" -> False}, Background -> RGBColor[0.982742, 0.909026, 0.730846]], Cell[ StyleData["TextBox", "Presentation"], CellFrame -> {{3, 3}, {3, 3}}, CellMargins -> {{80, 20}, {7, 7}}, CellFrameMargins -> 12, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], CellChangeTimes -> {3.500629535632266*^9, 3.505390312017168*^9}, MenuSortingValue -> 10000, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 24, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain", FontVariations -> {"Shadow" -> False}, Background -> RGBColor[0.982742, 0.909026, 0.730846]], Cell[ StyleData["TextBox", "SlideShow"], CellFrame -> {{3, 3}, {3, 3}}, CellMargins -> {{80, 20}, {7, 7}}, CellFrameMargins -> 12, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], CellChangeTimes -> {3.500629535632266*^9, 3.505390312017168*^9}, MenuSortingValue -> 10000, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 24, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain", FontVariations -> {"Shadow" -> False}, Background -> RGBColor[0.982742, 0.909026, 0.730846]]}, Open]]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ "CodeBox", "Section", CellChangeTimes -> {{3.5053905872134542`*^9, 3.505390590236096*^9}}], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ StyleData["CodeBox"], CellFrame -> {{3, 3}, {3, 3}}, CellMargins -> {{80, 20}, {7, 7}}, CellFrameMargins -> 12, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], CellChangeTimes -> {3.500629535632266*^9, 3.505390312017168*^9}, MenuSortingValue -> 10000, FontFamily -> "Courier", FontSize -> 18, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain", FontVariations -> {"Shadow" -> False}, Background -> RGBColor[0.982742, 0.909026, 0.730846]], Cell[ StyleData["CodeBox", "Presentation"], CellFrame -> {{3, 3}, {3, 3}}, CellMargins -> {{80, 20}, {7, 7}}, CellFrameMargins -> 12, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], CellChangeTimes -> {3.500629535632266*^9, 3.505390312017168*^9}, MenuSortingValue -> 10000, FontFamily -> "Courier", FontSize -> 18, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain", FontVariations -> {"Shadow" -> False}, Background -> RGBColor[0.982742, 0.909026, 0.730846]], Cell[ StyleData["CodeBox", "SlideShow"], CellFrame -> {{3, 3}, {3, 3}}, CellMargins -> {{80, 20}, {7, 7}}, CellFrameMargins -> 12, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], CellChangeTimes -> {3.500629535632266*^9, 3.505390312017168*^9}, MenuSortingValue -> 10000, FontFamily -> "Courier", FontSize -> 18, FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSlant -> "Plain", FontVariations -> {"Shadow" -> False}, Background -> RGBColor[0.982742, 0.909026, 0.730846]]}, Open]]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ "Title 2 Top", "Section", CellChangeTimes -> {{3.505305414732761*^9, 3.505305428193879*^9}, { 3.505372534894669*^9, 3.505372535059462*^9}, {3.505372614072966*^9, 3.5053726148574038`*^9}}], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ StyleData["Title2Top"], CellFrame -> {{8, 8}, {0, 1}}, CellDingbat -> None, ShowGroupOpener -> False, WholeCellGroupOpener -> False, GroupOpenerInsideFrame -> False, CellMargins -> {{80, 40}, {0, 100}}, CellFrameMargins -> 16, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], TextAlignment -> Center, TextJustification -> 0., MenuSortingValue -> 10000, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 40, FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain", FontColor -> GrayLevel[1], Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0]], Cell[ StyleData["Title2Top", "Presentation"], CellFrame -> {{8, 8}, {0, 1}}, CellDingbat -> None, ShowGroupOpener -> False, WholeCellGroupOpener -> False, GroupOpenerInsideFrame -> False, CellMargins -> {{80, 40}, {0, 100}}, CellFrameMargins -> 16, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], TextAlignment -> Center, TextJustification -> 0., MenuSortingValue -> 10000, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 40, FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain", FontColor -> GrayLevel[1], Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0]], Cell[ StyleData["Title2Top", "SlideShow"], CellFrame -> {{8, 8}, {0, 1}}, CellDingbat -> None, ShowGroupOpener -> False, WholeCellGroupOpener -> False, GroupOpenerInsideFrame -> False, CellMargins -> {{80, 40}, {0, 100}}, CellFrameMargins -> 16, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], TextAlignment -> Center, TextJustification -> 0., MenuSortingValue -> 10000, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 40, FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain", FontColor -> GrayLevel[1], Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0]]}, Open]]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ "Title 2 Bottom", "Section", CellChangeTimes -> {{3.505305414732761*^9, 3.505305428193879*^9}, { 3.505372534894669*^9, 3.505372535059462*^9}, {3.505372614072966*^9, 3.5053726148574038`*^9}, {3.5053726851943493`*^9, 3.50537268614373*^9}}], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ StyleData["Title2Bottom"], CellFrame -> {{8, 8}, {1, 0}}, CellDingbat -> None, ShowGroupOpener -> False, WholeCellGroupOpener -> False, GroupOpenerInsideFrame -> False, CellMargins -> {{80, 40}, {100, 0}}, CellFrameMargins -> 32, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], TextAlignment -> Center, TextJustification -> 0., MenuSortingValue -> 10000, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 40, FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain", FontColor -> GrayLevel[0], Background -> GrayLevel[0.999]], Cell[ StyleData["Title2Bottom", "Presentation"], CellFrame -> {{8, 8}, {1, 0}}, CellDingbat -> None, ShowGroupOpener -> False, WholeCellGroupOpener -> False, GroupOpenerInsideFrame -> False, CellMargins -> {{80, 40}, {100, 0}}, CellFrameMargins -> 32, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], TextAlignment -> Center, TextJustification -> 0., MenuSortingValue -> 10000, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 40, FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain", FontColor -> GrayLevel[0], Background -> GrayLevel[0.999]], Cell[ StyleData["Title2Bottom", "SlideShow"], CellFrame -> {{8, 8}, {1, 0}}, CellDingbat -> None, ShowGroupOpener -> False, WholeCellGroupOpener -> False, GroupOpenerInsideFrame -> False, CellMargins -> {{80, 40}, {100, 0}}, CellFrameMargins -> 32, CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.624094, 0], TextAlignment -> Center, TextJustification -> 0., MenuSortingValue -> 10000, FontFamily -> "Palatino", FontSize -> 40, FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain", FontColor -> GrayLevel[0], Background -> GrayLevel[0.999]]}, Open]]}, Closed]]}, Open]]}, Visible -> False, FrontEndVersion -> "8.0 for Mac OS X x86 (32-bit, 64-bit Kernel) (February 23, 2011)", StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"] ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{ "SlideShowHeader"->{ Cell[2883, 80, 81, 2, 11, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellOpen->True, CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[4129, 116, 81, 2, 11, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellOpen->True, CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[5762, 159, 64, 1, 1, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[9266, 267, 81, 2, 11, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellOpen->True, CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[10156, 288, 64, 1, 1, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[13140, 381, 81, 2, 11, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellOpen->True, CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"]} } *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{ {"SlideShowHeader", 37939, 874} } *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[567, 22, 360, 7, 221, "Title"], Cell[930, 31, 151, 2, 101, "Author"], Cell[1084, 35, 203, 3, 35, "Address"], Cell[1290, 40, 415, 8, 93, "Address"], Cell[1708, 50, 354, 5, 67, "Date"], Cell[2065, 57, 781, 18, 40, "PreviousNext"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2883, 80, 81, 2, 11, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellOpen->True, CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2989, 86, 412, 9, 59, "Section"], Cell[3404, 97, 358, 6, 70, "Subsection"], Cell[3765, 105, 315, 5, 54, "Subsection"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4129, 116, 81, 2, 11, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellOpen->True, CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[4213, 120, 288, 4, 181, "Title2Top"], Cell[4504, 126, 437, 8, 254, "Title2Bottom"], Cell[4944, 136, 781, 18, 40, "PreviousNext"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[5762, 159, 64, 1, 1, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], 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Cell[11308, 325, 189, 6, 41, "Text"], Cell[11500, 333, 341, 9, 73, "Text"], Cell[11844, 344, 328, 6, 67, "Item"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[12209, 355, 456, 11, 148, "Subsubtitle"], Cell[12668, 368, 423, 7, 73, "Text"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[13140, 381, 81, 2, 11, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellOpen->True, CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[13224, 385, 166, 2, 177, "Title2Top"], Cell[13393, 389, 154, 2, 209, "Title2Bottom"] }, Open ]] } ] *) (* End of internal cache information *)